Sharing Blueprint slides with the arcshare shortcode

  • Contents

  • Architect 1.5 introduced a method to share specific slides (or any panel actually). This can be useful for site visitors who wish to share images in galleries.


    [ arcshare ] shortcode

    [ arcshare ] shortcode

     To add sharing links to your Blueprint, include a meta field in your layout, and then add the acrshare shortcode to it.

    Shortcode parameters

    Shortcode parameters

    Note: All parameters are optional


    This takes no attributes.


    This takes no attributes.


    This takes no attributes.


    This takes no attributes.


    Hexadecimal colour value. e.g. colour="#183672" would display the share icons a medium blue (The alternate spelling, color, is also valid)


    Icons are square, so a single value is used. e.g. size="32" would display the icons 32px wide x 32px high


    This message is included before tweets, Facebook posts and in the email subject. e.g message="Look at this!"

    Share buttons example

    Share buttons example

    Link example

    Try this link

    It will take you to this Blueprint and slide on the Architect Demos sites.